Monday, October 22, 2012


1. Describe the overall composition of your artwork.
    I had a good balance of negative and positive space. I think I had unity because it all came together and looked like one print, not individual prints. I had good contrast with the butterfly and the background.
2. How did you add texture and contrast to your print? Is this important? Why?
    I added texture by cutting out different pieces in the linoleum. I added contrast by keeping white spaces and adding black spaces. This is important because there wouldn't be a design without it.
3. Explain how you used positive and negative space to show your image.
    Positive and negative space was used to separate the flowers to the dragonflies. It was also used to add contrast and texture. The negative space actually made the flowers and the dragonfly while the positive added contrast and color.
4. Describe the craftsmanship of your print.
    I think my drawing of the print was really good, but the actual print wasn't that good. I think I messed up cutting because the dragonfly was hard to control the knife and get the round shapes.
5. Were you able to achieve depth by showing a foreground, middle ground, and background? Explain.
    I only had a background, but I still think I had depth. I didn't really need a foreground or a middle ground because the dragonfly was just sitting on a bed of flowers. It added depth because some flowers were positive space and others were negative space.
6. Explain your experience with printmaking. What were the obstacles and advantages?
    It was hard to cut out all the pieces. It was to get all the rounded shapes. I don't think their were really any advantages.

1 comment:

  1. WOW.. your drawing is so good girl
    better then mines lol
    keep up the good work
