Monday, December 3, 2012

Anamorphosis Critique

1. Describe the process you went through to change your object into the correct perspective to create the drawing. This is when you were in the lab.
 First I had to put my picture in Photoshop and then I had to make the picture bigger by using the scale. After you had to transform  the picture by stretching out the top part to change the perspective.

2. How did distorting and stretching the object allow for you to create a drawing that would look different to the viewer?
Distorting and stretching the object allowed me to create a drawing that would look different to the the viewer because you just had to draw what you saw. You didn't have to imagine how it would like in a different perspective, it was already there for you. All the values and shadows were there for you also so you could make it look 3D.
3. What were the most important concepts in the project to make it successful?
 Drawing the grid is probably one of the most important concepts in this project because that way you can break the picture down into smaller pieces. This makes it easier because you only have to draw one little thing pure box not a huge object at once. Using the colored pencils to make the values is also important so the drawing actually looks like and an anamorphosis drawing.

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